Monday 18 May 2020

Tuesday 19th May

 A big happy birthday to Rishon. 8 years old today!

Spellings: revision. See blog
Write out 5 spellings into your copy
Tables: -7
Reading: 10 mins
Mental Maths: Tues p66
Irish:  “my
Busy at Maths p142
Writing: write 5-6 sentences about a holiday you went on.

RTE Homeschool hub is still running every day at 11am on RTE 1 television.

Spellings: feel, week, need, meet, poor
Write them out in your copy to help you learn them.

Tables: This week we are learning -7 tables.
Click on the link for a game to practise your tables:

Click on the train with the addition sign, then > UP TO 25
or the train with the subtraction sign, then > UP TO 20.

MathsBusy at Maths p142. You have done these types of addition sums before. Try this page by yourself. Remember to add the units first and start at the top.

English: Write 5-6 sentences in your copy about a holiday you went on. Mum and Dad can give you some ideas and spellings, but then you should go off and do it yourself. Remember your capital letters and full stops.

 Draw a picture to go along with it. I'm going to put your stories up on the blog later today.

PARENTS: to help your child do this, discuss it with them first for 5 minutes. Ask them what words they might need and write them down on a piece of paper for them. Then go off and leave them to do their best. If they are coming to you for every sentence, tell them teacher said they are to do it by themselves and you will check it afterwards

Here are some words you might use:

swimming pool

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