Wednesday 25 March 2020

A letter for parents

Dear parents,

I hope you are all coping ok with having your children at home from school. Please do not feel under any pressure to "keep up" with your child's school work. Every household is in a different situation and I understand that some parents are finding it difficult to keep on top of their children's work.

 Let the children take responsibility for their own work. They should be able to make a fairly good attempt at the work by themselves. It doesn't matter if it's not perfect. It will do them good to learn to be independent. They should not be running to you every few minutes asking questions. Tell them to make their best attempt and you will look at it when it's finished.

These are trying times for us all and the last thing we want is for parents to be stressed out over school work.

The work I have sent home should last until the Easter holidays on April 3rd.  (There is a list of this work in the "School Closure March 2020" post from March 12th, in case you've lost it)

If the children are finished this work, well done! If you want them to keep working, they could do some writing every day: write a letter to someone, write their "News", write a story, or anything they like. They can also revise tables and of course...reading.
I have signed every child in the class up to KHAN ACADEMY where they can do maths activities. Email me if you would like your child's login details.

I will be in touch again after the Easter holidays (20th April) to outline some more work.

In the meantime, take care and stay sane 😊


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